Friday, 18 July 2008

Could not find property 'Name' on object of type: Sitecore.Data.SqlServer.SqlServerDataProvider

This week, I branched a solution in TFS and checked out the branch. It built successfully. I then added virtual directories in IIS to point at the locations of the app_config, sitecore, sitecore modules and data folders (I move these outside of the web site root for easier swappability and source control). On browsing to the site, I got the message:

Could not find property 'Name' on object of type: Sitecore.Data.SqlServer.SqlServerDataProvider

It took a while to figure out that this was due to the assemblies in source control being out of date. Once I'd copied the contents of the bin folder on the live web server to my local machine, I was able to browse the site.


analytics said...

Hi Neil,

I am facing the same problem and doing what has been suggested but still it is showing the same error.

please help.

Sonu Gupta (India)

Neil said...

Hi Sonu,

I seem to remember that there's a DLL by the name of SqlServer.dll (or similar) that you need in the bin directory for this to go away. From memory, I think it's new to 5.3.1, so might be missing if you've not upgraded properly. Unfortunately, I can't check any of this at the moment.
Hope this helps though.